采用加拿大生产促卵泡素 ( FSH FOL L TROPIN○R- V)对 3头荷斯坦母牛进行超数排卵处理 ,逐日递减注射 ,连注 4 d,总剂量 36 0 mg。结果 3头供体牛共采得卵 (胚 ) 2 7枚 ,其中可用胚 2 6枚 ,退化胚 1枚 ,平均每头获可用胚8.6 7枚 ( 2 6 / 3) ,效果较好。
Three Holstein cows imported from Canada were superovulated with FSH. The treating contents of FSH decreased consciously in 4 days, with the total of 360mg. 27 eggs (embryos) were obtained from the cows, out of which, 26 were available and one was degenerative. The average of the ovulation was 8.67 per cow which showed a good result.
Guangxi Agricultural Sciences