
浙江省科技期刊现状分析 被引量:3

Study on the Present Situation of Sci-tech Periodicals in Zhejiang Province
摘要 浙江省现有科技期刊101种,占全国科技期刊总数的2.3%,而在全国科技期刊评比中,其获奖期刊仅占获奖总数的1.26%;浙江省共9种科技期刊于2001年加入中国期刊方阵,仅占全国加入总数的1.26%;2001年浙江省科技期刊入选中国科技论文统计源期刊数27种,仅占全国入选总数的1.86%;浙江省没有被美国《科学引文索引》(SCI)收录的期刊,2001~2002年间2种期刊———《浙江大学学报(工学版)》及《高校化学工程学报》被美国《工程索引》(EI)收录,2002年1种期刊———《浙江师范大学学报(自然科学版)》被俄罗斯《文摘杂志》收录;2001年全省科技期刊的平均总被引频次为131次,平均影响因子为0.164,均远远低于全国平均值(227次,0.264),平均引文率为7.12次,同样低于全国的平均值7.32次;2001年全省发表的基金与资助论文数为2775篇,占全国总数的4.02%,居全国第7位.其中,浙江大学发表的基金与资助论文数为1835篇,在全国高校中排名第二,仅居清华大学之后;2001年全省国内发表论文数为8623篇,居全国第8位,其中全省高等院校论文数为5726篇,占全省论文总数的66.4%,浙江大学国内论文总数为3600篇,居全国高校榜首;2001年浙江省在国际上发表论文数为1936篇,其中1877篇来自高等院校,占总数的97%,居华东地区各省市第3位.此外,浙江大学被SCI? Aimed at studying on the development of Sci-tech periodicals in Zhejiang Province, this paper has made statistical analyses on their present situations and put forward their existing superorities and problems. According to the statistical analyses,the main results are as follows:The number of sci-tech journals in Zhejiang Province makes up 2.3 percent of that in the whole country;According to the results of the nationwide sci-tech journals comparison in 1997,the number of awarded journals in Zhejiang Province only made up 1.26 percent of that in China; Viewing the situation of joining 'China Periodicals Phalanx',nine sci-tech journals have joined it in Zhejiang Province,and they make up 1.26 percent of those in China; There are 27 kinds of sci-tech journals in Zhejiang Province in 2001 cited by' Chinese Statistical Source Periodicals',and they make up 1.86 percent of those in China; No any one journal has been cited by SCI in Zhejiang Province.Only two journals have been cited by Engineering lndex database during the period from 2001 to 2002. Another Journal——Journal of Zhejiang Normal College was cited by 'Russia's AJ'database in 2002; According to the document evaluation indexes of Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China in 2001,the mean general cited rate of Zhejiang journals was 131, and the mean impact factor was 0.164 .They were both far less than that of the whole country (227、 0.264). The number of fund papers was 2775 in Zhejiang province in 2001.It was at the seventh place in China.Among them,1835 papers came from Zhejiang University and the number was at the second place in Chinese universities.The number of domestic papers was 8623 in Zhejiang Province in 2001.It was at the eighth place in China.Among them,3600 came from Zhejiang University and the number was at the first place in Chinese universities.The number of international papers in Zhejiang Province in 2001 was 1936. Among them,1877 came from universities and 868 were cited by SCI.This number was at the fifth place in Chinese universities;468 were cited by EI,being at the fifth place in Chinese universities;263 were cited by ISTP,being at the second place in Chinese universities. The analysis on general economy condition in Zhejiang Province shows that the GDP was 6748.15 hundred million yuan in 2001.It was at the fourth place in China.
作者 侯翠香
机构地区 浙江气象编辑部
出处 《科技通报》 北大核心 2004年第3期263-268,共6页 Bulletin of Science and Technology
关键词 论文 科技期刊 浙江省 paper sci-tech journal Zhejiang province
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  • 1肖宏,杨如华.科技期刊基金资助指数的作用及其意义[J].编辑学报,1994,6(2):66-70. 被引量:73
  • 22.3影响因子与期刊质量的关系影响因子与期刊的学术水平有无直接的关系?对此,学者们意见不一。有些学者认为,影响因子是一种测度期刊有用性(usefulness)或者显示度(visibility)的指标。本文认为,影响因子不仅仅是一种测度期刊有用性和显示度的指标,而且也是测度期刊的学术水平的重要指标。这是因为,在某一学科中,影响因子大的期刊,不仅是该学科研究人员经常翻阅的期刊(体现期刊的有用性和显示度),而且,也是人们在论文投稿时经常考虑的重要期刊。因此,这些期刊十分丰富的稿源和更加严格的审稿制度(对论文质量的同行评议)为其刊登高水平的论文奠定了良好的基础。大多数高影响因子的期刊是载有高质量论文的著名期刊[10]。在这里,影响因子和论文质量(指期刊论文平均质量水平)是互为因果的关系。可见,影响因子所体现的期刊的有用性和显示度是以期刊内容,亦即论文质量为基础的。没有高质量的论文,何来期刊的有用性和显示度?我们认为,期刊的有用性、显示度和论文质量之间存在着密切相关的联系。 3期刊学术水平与论文质量的关系 在肯定影响因子是衡量期刊学术水平重要指标的前提下,我们来讨论期刊学术水平与论文质量的关系。
  • 3http://www.ncl.gov.cn .
  • 4.
  • 5鲍国海.2000年美国《工程索引(EI)》光盘数据库收录中国科技期刊表[J].中国科技期刊研究,2001,12(5):407-408. 被引量:6












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