

Geometric analysis of the proximal endosteal curvature on humerus in Chinese
摘要 目的 为设计和改进国人肱骨头假体柄 ,对肱骨干骺端髓腔形态曲线行几何学分析。方法 1 0 0根成对防腐肱骨 (男性 2 8对 ,女性 2 2对 )按肱骨头扭转角置于冠状位和矢状位 ,行肱骨全长CT扫描 ,由CT软件测量解剖颈下缘至其下 6 0mm处两平面间髓腔内、外、前、后弧度的高度及上、下半弦长。结果 所得数据行统计学处理 ,得出各参数均值、标准差、最大值、最小值 ,进行性别、左右分组比较差异显示 :性别间除内侧弧高和下弦长外 ,均有显著性差异 ,左右间只有内、前方弧高有统计学意义。结论 本实验能为国人肱骨头假体柄近端设计和改进提供参考值 。 Objective To analyse the metaphyseal curvature of intramedullary canal on humerus,for designing and improving humeral prosthesis stem. Methods Fifty pairs(28 male and 22 female)embalmed cadaveric humeri were scanned in medial lateral(ML) and anterior posterior(AP) aspects according to the humeral retroversion by CT. Intracortical parameters were measured exactly by image analytic computer software that included the medial,lateral,anterior,posterior height,upper chord length and lower chord length of the medullar curve between two transverse planes from the lowest border of the anatomical neck to 60mm distal to it. All the measurements underwent statistical analysis by SAS system. Results Based upon the results of this analysis,the means,standard deviation, minimum and maximum of all parameters were obtained. Profound differences were observed between male and female except medial height and lower chord length. However,there were no significent difference between right and left sides except medial and anterior height. Conclusion The study can provide geometric parameters for improving the design of proximal part of the humeral prosthesis stem fitting Chinese patients. There is a significant difference between male and female patients.
出处 《创伤外科杂志》 2004年第3期203-205,共3页 Journal of Traumatic Surgery
关键词 肱骨 X线体层照片 假体 几何学分析 humerus tomogram prosthesis geometric analysis
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