在pH5.0条件下,血清a-L-岩藻糖苷酶的反应温度由37℃提高到47℃,其测定值比原法提高1倍。再将3ml反应液的常量法改为0.5 ml盼微量法,其Km为0.15 mmol/L,底物终末浓度由1.38mmol/L减少为0.68mmol/L。故微量法的血清用量仅需10μ1,底物用量可节省19倍。组内和组间CV分别为1.13%(n=12)和1.70%(n=5),用该法测定了129佣各种肿瘤患者的血清岩藻糖苷酶活性,呈现明显的阳性,并证明岩藻糖苷酶没有肿瘤特异性。
A highly sensitive micro-colorimetric method of serum α-L-fuco-sidase (EC, 3,2,1,51) was described in this paper. In this procedure the incubation temperature changed from 37℃ to 47℃ under pH5.0. The sensitivity of this improved method is enhanced about one time as against the original method. Therefore, the reaction volume is reduced from 3 ml to 0.5 ml only containing 10 μ1 serum sample, and the final substrate concentration is also reduced from 1.36 mmol/L to 0.68 mmol/L. As a result, the amount of substrate will be reduced 19-folds with this method. The CV of intragroup and intergroup was 1.13% and 1.70% respectively. The serum α-L-fucosidase activity of 129 cases of different tumours had been assayed. The results showed that there was a positive correlation between increased level of α-L-fucosidase activity and various human tumours. However, it can not be used as a special indicator to illustrate where the tumours are.
Acta Universitatis Medicinae Tongji