目的 探讨超声诊断胎儿先天性桡骨缺如的声像图特征。方法 彩色多普勒超声检查 5例患病胎儿并与同孕龄的正常胎儿对照。结果 患病胎儿表现为 4项异常的声像图征象 :① 5例患儿共有 6条残肢 ,其中 3条残肢桡骨长度为零 ,3条残肢的桡骨长度小于同孕周正常值的 4个标准差。桡 /肱值、桡/尺值小于同孕龄正常值的 5个标准差。② 6条残肢均显示前臂弯曲、手畸形的图像。③ 5例患儿全部合并羊水过多。④ 3例患儿合并其他系统畸形。结论 先天性桡骨缺如的声像图表现具有一定的特异性。
Objective To discuss the feature of the ultrasonic image of the fetal congenital absence of the radius. Methods Five cases with congenital absence of the radius were examined by colour Doppler sonography and compared with normal fetuses. Results There were four characteristics of ultrasonic imaging:①The length of three radius was 0 cm in the six disabled limbs,others were 4 time s shorter than the normal identical pregnant fetuses. ②All the disabled limbs showed that the forearm was short and bent, and the hand was lopsided. ③All the cases were combined with hydramnios. ④Three abnormal fetuses were combined with other deformies.Conclusions Ultrasound is superior to other methods in diagnosing fetus congenital absence of the radius.
Chinese Journal of Ultrasonography