目的 通过大量住院的非心脏病患者心电图资料的回顾、分析 ,初步了解特发性Brugada心电图征 (idiopathicBrugadaelectrocardiogrampattern)的发生率 ,获取有关中国人Brugada综合征流行病学的信息。方法 制定严格的筛选标准 ,调查了 2 30 82份近年住院的非心脏病患者的心电图资料 ,筛选出具有Brugada心电图征特征的心电图 ,并对部分患者进行随访跟踪。 结果 共获 31份具有Brugada心电图征特征的心电图 ,占总数的 1 34‰ ,其中男性 30例 ,女性 1例。初步随访了 6例患者 ,发现其中 3例的家系成员中有晕厥史或Brugada心电图征。结论 特发性Brugada心电图征在中国人中并非罕见 ,且男性远比女性多 ,其临床及遗传学意义有待进一步研究。
Objective To study the prevalence of Brugada ECG pattern in Chinese, ECGs from in patients were reviewed Methods Strict criterions were established to exclude the structural heart diseases and influence of metabolic or neural disorders 23 082 ECGs recorded from no cardiac in patients (13 134 males, 9948 females) of our hospital were included for analysis Results Brugada ECG pattern was seen in 1 34‰ (31 of 23 082) of the patients, including 30 males and 1 female Among them, 7 ECGs (0 30‰) were classed as Brugada ECG pattern type Ⅰ, 21(0 91‰) type Ⅱ and 3 (0 13‰) type Ⅲ Preliminary following up of 6 patients disclosed that 3 patients′ family members had episodes of syncope or showed Brugada ECG pattern Conclusion Brugada ECG pattern is not a rare condition in Chinese, and further studies on its clinical significance and genetic character is required
Chinese Journal of Cardiology
国家自然科学基金 (3 0 2 783 68)
广东省自然科学基金(2 0 0 42 )