目的 探讨慢性苯中毒时未成熟网织红细胞指数 (IRF)的变化规律。方法 复制慢性苯中毒引起再生障碍性贫血小鼠模型。对照组 (A组 ) 32只小鼠 ,分为 4小组 ,每小组 8只 ,于小鼠背侧皮下单纯注射玉米油 2ml/kg ,每周 3次 ,按注射次数不同分为A1组 (1 5次 )、A2组 (1 8次 )、A3组(2 1次 )、A4组 (2 4次 ) 4个不同的注射次数组 ;实验组 (B组 ) 32只小鼠 ,同样分为 4小组 ,每小组 8只 ,注射用等量玉米油稀释的 2ml/kg苯 ,方法同对照组 ,分别为B1、B2、B3、B4组。采用Beckman CoulterGen S全自动血细胞分析仪 ,测定各组IRF、网织红细胞百分比 (Ret% )、平均网织红细胞体积(MRV) ,以及白细胞计数 (WBC)、血小板计数 (PLT)、红细胞计数 (RBC)和血红蛋白含量 (Hgb) ,并将注射次数相同的实验组与对照组进行比较分析。结果 实验组“苯 +玉米油”注射 1 5次时 ,WBC、MRV已明显低于对照组 (分别为t =4 1 0 ,P <0 0 1和t=2 1 9,P =0 0 4 6 ) ;注射 1 8次时 ,IRF和Plt也同时明显低于对照组 (t值分别为 2 98和 3 2 2 ,P均 <0 0 1 ) ;注射 2 1次时 ,Ret%轻度下降 (t =2 1 9,P =0 0 4 6 ) ,IRF已极度下降 (t=4 2 3,P <0 0 0 1 ) ,RBC和Hgb也都呈不同程度下降 (分别为t=8 2 6 ,P <0 0 0 1和t=3 1 4 ,P <0 0
Objective To observe the changes of immature reticulocyte fraction (IRF) in chronic benzene poisoning Methods The aplastic anemia mice model of chronic benzene poisoning was reproduced The study included control group (A) and test group (B) There were 32 mice in each group, which were further divided into 4 subgroups Group A were injected with corn oil (2ml/kg) subcutaneously in dorsal region three times a week Based on injection times, they were divided into groupA1 (15times)? groupA2 (18times)? groupA3 (21 times)?groupA4 (24times) Test Group (B) were divided as same as the Control Group except injection with benzene and corn oil mixture (2ml/Kg) The IRF?percent of reticulocyte (RET%)?mean reticulocyte volume (MRV)?white blood cell (WBC)?platelet (PLT)?red blood cell (RBC) and hemoglobin (HGB) of each group were detected by Beckman Coulter Gen S Auto Hematology Analyzer The results between the test group and control group were analyzed and compared Results At 15th injection, compared with the control group, test group showed a significant reduction in WBC ?MRV ( t =4 10, P <0 01 and t =2 19, P =0 046 respectively); at 18th times , test group showed a significant reduction in IRF and PLT simultaneously ( t =2 98 or 3 22 respectively and P <0 01) ; at 21st times, RET% decreased slightly ( t =2 19, P =0 046), IRF decreased greatly ( t =4 23, P <0 001), RBC and HGB also decreased variously ( t =8 26, P <0 001 and t=3 14, P <0 01); at 24th times , test group showed a significant reduction in all parameters ( P <0 01 or P <0 001) The control and test groups showed a good relativity between IRF and MRV( r =0 561 8, P <0 01) Conclusion In the aplastic anemia model of chronic benzene poisoning, IRF and MRV decreased earlier than other erythrocyte parameters IRF and MRV were of value in reflecting marrow restraint
Chinese Journal of Laboratory Medicine