
饱和多孔介质材料的应变局部化萌生条件 被引量:3

Onset condition of strain localization in saturated porous media
摘要 在单相介质和非渗流饱和多孔介质应变局部化萌生条件的基础上,应用饱和多孔介质控制方程和Liapunov稳定理论,导出了渗流条件下的固相应力-应变描述和有效应力-应变描述的多孔介质固相部分的应变局部化的萌生条件。不同应力描述下的萌生条件的形式有一定变化。应用简单算例,讨论了Terzaghi有效应力描述的应变局部化萌生条件中两种固、液相对运动特例下的饱和多孔介质应变局部化破坏的形式。 Based on governing equations of saturated porous media and Liapunov's stability, the onset strain localizations of porous media that formularized by solid phase stress and effective stress under seepage flow state are presented here. The onset strain localization conditions are different with expressions of governing equations of porous media and the constitutive model of porous media. With the derived onset strain localization condition of Terzaghi's effective stress, some failure modes in porous media caused by two kinds of relative movements between solid phase and fluid phase have been discussed by means of examples.
出处 《岩土力学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第5期749-754,768,共7页 Rock and Soil Mechanics
基金 地震科学联合基金项目(NO.201009) 国家社会公益研究专项(NO.2002DIB30076)资助。
关键词 多孔介质 固相应力 有效应力 应变局部化萌生条件 Failure (mechanical) Porous materials Seepage Stability Stresses
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