小说人物对话翻译的话轮衔接问题并没有受到广泛的重视。话轮衔接既有显性的 ,也有隐性的。显性衔接主要是通过语法和词汇手段实现。但英汉两种语言在习惯搭配和思维习惯上有所不同 ,因此 ,做好人物对话翻译的话轮衔接 ,不仅要注意译文时态上的衔接、同词复现、符合译入语的逻辑习惯。
It has not been paid enough attention to translate fictional dialogues cohesively. Cohesion of turns might be either covert or overt. Overt cohesion is mainly achieved by two ways, namely, grammatical and semantical. But the different habits of collocation between English and Chinese and the habits of thinking between the readers of the two languages make it necessary to make changes accordingly in terms of tense, reiteration, logic and wording.
Journal of Taizhou University