【目的】通过比较ZeissIOLMaster与传统超声生物测量法对人工晶体度数测量的准确性和特点及术后平均绝对屈光误差值 ,评价ZeissIOLMaster的临床应用价值。【方法】86例 1 0 0只眼年龄相关性的白内障患者 ,术前分别应用ZeissIOLMaster、超声生物测量仪及角膜曲率计测量眼轴长度和角膜曲率 ,使用SRK Ⅱ或SRK/T公式计算人工晶体度数 ,并将 1 0 0只眼根据两种测量方法测得结果随机分为两组 ,对患者施行超声乳化白内障摘除术后 ,分别按上述两种测量方法测得结果植入可折叠人工晶体 ,术后 1个月随诊检查视力及眼屈光度并作分析。【结果】ZeissIOLMaster和超声生物测量法 ,测得的眼轴长度分别为 2 3.5 9± 1 .1 8mm和 2 3.5 6± 1 .1 6mm ,两者对比差异无显著性 (t =0 .1 8,P =0 .85 ) ;IOLMaster和角膜曲率计测量角膜曲率分别为 4 3.5 3± 1 .98D、4 3.71± 1 .91D ,两者对比差异无显著性 (t =0 .6 5 ,P =0 .5 1 ) ;按两种测量方法随机分组的两组病人 ,术后 1个月的平均绝对屈光误差分别为 :≤± 0 .5D各占 84 %和 80 % ,≤± 1 .0D各占 1 0 0 %和 98% ,两组对比差异无显著性 (t =0 .2 37,P =0 .82 )。【结论】ZeissIOLMaster是一种高精确性、非接触性、操作简单。
To evaluate the clinical application of Zeiss intraocular len (IOL) Master (a new optical coherence interferometry) by comparing with traditional ultrasound biometry in their accuracy, characteristics and postoperative mean absolute refractile error (MARE) for power calculation of artificial IOLs.The length of ocular axis and keratometric power in 86 patients (100 eyes) with age-related cataracts were measured preoperatively by Zeiss IOL Master ,ultrasonic biometry and auto-keratometer. .Artificial IOL power was calculated according to the SRK-Ⅱor SRK/T formula. Based on the results measured with two methods, 100 eyes were randomly divided into 2 groups. Cataract surgery, i.e. phaco-emulsification and phacectomy was performed in all patients and foldable lens were implanted according to the results of two methods. Their visual acuity and refractive outcome were follow-up one month after operation and analyzed.There was no significant difference in measurement of ocular axial length between two methods : 23.59±1.18 mm by IOL Master and 23.56±1.16 mm by traditional ultrasound biometry(t=0.18, P=0.85). The keratometric powers measured by Zeiss IOL Master and keratometry were 43.53±1.98D and 43.71±1.91D(t=0.65, P=0.51), showing no significant discrepancy.The MARE within±0.5 diopter in IOL Master group and traditional ultrasound biometry groups were 84% and 80% ; whereas those within ±1.0 diopter were 100% and 98%, respectively, significant difference was also not found between both groups(t=0.237, P=0.82).[Conclusion]Zeiss IOL Master is a safe and reliable tool for power calculation of artificial IOL. With high accuracy and non-contact character, it is easy to be manipulated.
Journal of Clinical Research