
学习动机和学习策略与知识获得的关系 被引量:17

Learning Motivation,Learning Strategy and Acquiring Knowledge
摘要 目的 :了解中学生的学习动机和学习策略与知识获得的关系。方法 :使用带R K判断的再认记忆测验测量知识获得情况 ,采用学习过程问卷测量学习动机和学习策略。结果 :1 浅层学习动机和成就学习动机 ,以及深层学习策略和成就学习策略对知识获得没有影响。 2 物理学科 ,具有高深层学习动机学生的K高于R ,而低深层学习动机的学生R、K没有差异 ;语文学科 ,具有高深层学习动机学生的R高于K ,具有低深层学习动机学生的R、K没有差异。 3 高表层学习策略的学生比低表层学习策略的学生有更多的R ,更少的K。结论 :1 深层学习动机和表层学习策略促进不同学科的知识获得。 2 在学习初期 ,高深层学习动机促进物理学科结构化知识的掌握 ,促进语文学科细节知识的掌握。 3 在学习初期 ,高表层学习策略比低表层学习策略更促进物理和语文细节知识的掌握。 Objective: To investigate the relationship of learning motivation, learning strategy and acquiring knowledge.Methods:The R/K judgments in the recognition memory test were used in 157 middle school students to measure the status of acquiring knowledge. Subjects completed the scale of learning processes. Results:Shallow motivation, achievement motivation, deep strategy and achievement strategy had no significant influence on acquiring knowledge on the initially learning stage. Deep motivation and shallow strategy worked on learning. Students with high deep motivation knew more for Physics and remembered more for Chinese, but those with low deep motivation had the consistent speed of acquiring knowledge of Physics and Chinese. Students with high shallow strategy had more remember responses for Physics and Chinese.Conclusion:Deep motivation and shallow strategy facilitate the grasp of knowledge of Chinese and Physics. On the initially learning stage, higher deep motivation fasten the grasp of the semantic knowledge for Physics and the episodic knowledge for Chinese, and higher shallow strategy facilitate the grasp of both the episodic knowledge for Physics and Chinese.
作者 隋洁 朱滢
出处 《中国心理卫生杂志》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2004年第5期345-347,332,共4页 Chinese Mental Health Journal
基金 国家攀登专项基金 (95 -专 - 0 9)资助
关键词 学习心理学 学习动机 断面研究 学习策略 意识类型 中学生 learning psychology learning motivation cross-sectional studies learning strategy R/K judgments middle school students
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