
自优化模拟技术在水库兴利调度中的应用 被引量:2

Application of Self-Optimization Simulation Technique in Reservoir Beneficial Purpose Regulation
摘要 自优化模拟在单库及多库兴利调度方面较一般模拟方法效果理想 ,且模型易于编程求解 ,有较好的实用性。采用自优化模拟技术 ,针对某地区水库部分入流 (有外流域调水 )可以调控的特殊情况 ,建立基于自优化模拟的逆时序模拟模型 ,确定了该地区水库运用方式和水库兴利调度图 ,调度结果较一般模拟方法要好 ,显示自优化模拟技术在水库兴利调度中较好的应用性。 Compared with conventional simulation methods, self-optimization simulation technique is more ideal for application in the beneficial purpose regulation and operation of a single reservoir or multiple reservoirs,and easier to computer programming. Thus,it is practical for application in reservoir operation. In this paper,self-optimization simulation technique is adopted in the backward simulation modeling for the exceptional condition of reservoir with adjustable inflow (i.e.,it has water diversion from other basin). The regulation mode and diagram of the reservoir in this region are determined. The result of the reservoir regulation is better than that of conventional simulation method,thus the preponderance of the application of self-optimization simulation technique in reservoir regulation is demonstrated.
出处 《中国农村水利水电》 北大核心 2004年第5期28-30,共3页 China Rural Water and Hydropower
关键词 水库 自优化模拟 兴利调度 调度图 逆时序模拟模型 reservoir self-optimization simulation beneficial purpose regulation regulation diagram
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