查尔斯·泰勒坚持善对权利的优先原则 ,从而发展出一条与新自由主义不同的自我实现的自由道路。因此 ,泰勒更重视的是人们关于美好生活的理解和对价值的追求 ,即自我的本真性问题。本真性包含人的内在深度和日常生活中的对话两个维度 ,脱离任何一个方面都会造成对泰勒本真性概念的误解 ,同时 ,泰勒还将本真性的概念延伸到文化上 ,并从中提出了“承认的政治”的概念 ,成为了与政治自由主义相对的一个解决多元文化共存问题的模式。
Charles Taylor advocated the principle that gave priority to right, which made him develop a way to self-realization different from New-liberalism. So Taylor showed more concern on the comprehension about good life of people and the pursuing of value, namely, the authenticity. Authenticity includes two contents that are the internal deepness and communication in daily live. Whichever is lacked will cause the misunderstanding on authenticity of Taylor. At the same time, Taylor explicated the authenticity to culture, and advanced the concept of 'politics of recognition', which became a mode to solve multi-culture coexistence opposite to political liberalism.
Journal of Shayang Teachers College