瞿秋白是近代历史上最早的以马克思主义为指导思想研究孙中山先生的学者之一 ,他在孙中山先生逝世后发表的文章中 ,以历史唯物主义为指导 ,以历史事实为依据 ,分析了孙中山先生成长为一个革命家的时代背景及其历史贡献 ,客观公正地评价了孙中山先生的一生 。
Qu Qiubai is among the earliest researchers who conducted researches on Sun Zhongshan with Maxism. In his writings published after Sun's death, he evaluated Sun's life objectively and impartially. He analyzed the social background in which Sun grew to be a revolutionary and also Sun's contribution in history on the basis of historial materials and facts. In conclusion, Qu Qiubai founded the substratum of the research on Sun Zhongshan.
Journal of Shayang Teachers College