目的 :探讨白血病胸部浸润的CT表现 ,评价白血病肺部浸润的CT诊断价值。方法 :回顾性分析我院确认的12例白血病患者的胸部白血病细胞浸润的CT(HRCT)表现。结果 :白血症患者发生胸部浸润的CT表现多种多样 ,主要为小叶间隔增厚、外周支气管血管间质增厚、结节影 ,毛玻璃状改变 ,气腔实变等。这些表现与白血病细胞浸润肺的途径相一致 ,但不具特异性。结论 :白血病患者出现胸部症状时 ,应考虑到肺浸润的可能 ,CT有助于肺浸润的诊断 ,但应与其他并发症如感染相鉴别。
Objective:To describe CT manifestations of lung in patients with leukemia pulmonary infiltrates as well as to impuove CT recognition of leukemia pulmonary infiltrates.Methods:High-resolution CT(HRCT) findings of lung in 12 patients with leukemia pulmonary infiltrations were reviewed.Results:HRCT findings of leukemia pulmonary infiltration has a great variety,the main findings are peribronchovascular interstitial thickening,parenchymal nodules,interlobular septal thickening,ground-glass opacity,air-space consolidation and so on.These findings are consistent with the pattern of the leukemic cells to infiltrates the lung.Conclusion:All the findings are of non-specificity.The presence of pulmonary infiltrates should be consiedred when complication occurs in patients with leukemia.Although other processes should be excluded,CT is helpful in detectng leukemia pulmonary infiltrates.
Journal of Medical Imaging