目的 探讨生物可降解性紫杉醇支架防治血管再狭窄的作用。方法 制备“Z形”聚左旋乳酸 (PLLA)裸支架和含抗增生药物紫杉醇 6 0 μg的PLLA支架。应用 7F球囊对 8只犬肾动脉以下的腹主动脉进行 2处扩张 ,制成血管再狭窄模型。按照解剖标志分别将裸支架和紫杉醇支架置入扩张后的腹主动脉处。支架置入术后 6周处死实验犬取出标本行组织病理、形态学测量和免疫组织化学分析。结果 裸支架组血管平均管腔面积为 (775 86 5± 6 6 0 ) μm2 ;紫杉醇支架组血管平均管腔面积为 (113435 9± 71 0 ) μm2 ,紫杉醇支架组管腔平均面积大于裸支架组 (P <0 0 1)。裸支架组血管新生内膜平均增生面积为 :(2 4 80 3± 5 6 ) μm2 ;紫杉醇组平均内膜增生面积为 (12 931± 6 3) μm2 ,紫杉醇支架组新生内膜平均面积明显小于裸支架组 (P <0 0 1)。裸支架组增殖细胞核抗原 (PCNA)细胞阳性率为 (38± 15 ) % ;紫杉醇支架组为 (11± 0 31) % ,两组差异有显著性意义 (P <0 0 1)。结论 生物可降解性血管内支架作为载荷和释放药物的有效平台 ,通过携带抗增生药物紫杉醇可以显著抑制血管平滑肌细胞的增殖和血管内膜的增生 ,是防治血管再狭窄的理想手段。
Objective To define the effect of drug eluting BIS with antiproliferation agent-paclitaxel in preventing vascular restenosis.Methods Bare BIS and drug BIS with 60 μg paclitaxel were prepared. Both types of the BIS were implanted into the infrarenal restenosis aortas in canine models, and the animals were euthanized 6 weeks after implantation for histopathological, morphometric and immunohistochemical assessment.Results The mean lumen area of bare BIS group was (77 586.5±66.0) μm2, and lumen of paclitaxel eluting BIS group was (113 435.9±71.0) μm2. The mean neointima area of bare BIS group was (24 803±56) μm2, and paclitaxel eluting BIS group was (12 931±63) μm2. The PCNA-positive ratio was (38±15)% in bare BIS group and (11±0.31)% in paclitaxel eluting BIS group. The statistically significant difference between the two groups were noted ( P <0.01). Conclusion BIS as a vehicle of loading and releasing drugs could significantly inhibit the VSMC and neointimal hyperplasia with antiproliferation agent-paclitaxel. BIS is a promising and new strategy in preventing the restenosis.
Chinese Journal of Radiology
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