从生产力发展要求的层面来看,政治体制改革在客观上要适应经济体制改革的需 要;从政治文化的角度来看,“三个代表”重要思想为政治体制改革提供了智力和思想上的支持;从 代表最广大人民的根本利益来看,“三个代表”重要思想指明了当代中国政治体制改革的根本目的。
Considered from the development of productive force,political systematic reformation should fit for the needs of economoc systematic reformation objectively. Inspected from the angle of political culture, the important thoughts of 'the three representatives 'offer the support to the reformation of political systems from wisdom and thoughts. Thought on the fundamental benefit of people, 'the three representatives' demonstrates the radical aim of China political systmatic reformation.
The Journal of Yunnan Provincial Committee School of CPC