《无名的裘德》是英国著名作家托马斯·哈代最后一部悲剧小说 ,这部作品采用抽象化的人物塑造和摹拟化的叙事技巧 ,在展示裘德一生理想破灭、灵肉分裂的悲剧的同时 ,也演绎出人性与社会、爱情与婚姻、理想与现实之间的相互冲突和对人类文明的深刻思考。本文着重对作品特殊的人物塑造和叙事手法所产生的独特美学效果作一剖析。
Jude the Obscure' is the last tragic novel by the famous English writer,Thomas Hardy.By adopting the technique of character portrayal abstraction and narrative imitation,The work displays not only the destruction of Jude's personal ideal and the splitting between his spirit and flesh,but also the whole picture of human civilization which is full of conflicts between humanity and society,love and marriage,lofty ideal and merciless social reality.This thesis put emphasis on the novel's special aesthetic effects resulted from its special treatments of character portrayal and narrative technique.
Journal of Xinzhou Teachers University