报道毛翅目 1新科宁夏石蛾科Ningxiapsychidaefam .nov .,化石标本采自宁夏早白垩世六盘山群乃家河组灰黄色页岩。根据乃家河组的层位及其乃家河昆虫组合的面貌与特征 ,可与我国京西盆地夏庄组等对比 ,系夏庄昆虫群区系范围向西延伸的部分 ,时代为早白垩世晚期 ,相当欧洲阿普特———阿尔必期 (Aptian AlbianStage) (K5 61)。根据新科脉序特征 ,Rc (Dc)、Mc室封闭 ,Tc室开放 ;CuP与CuA2 汇合形成CuP +CuA2 合并脉 ,之后 ,两脉不再分离 ,一直伸达翅端缘 ;中脉 4支 ,完整 (M1 M4)和叉室 5个 ,完整且直 (F1 F5) ;臀脉 2支 :A1、A2 ;翅面有完整的横脉和局部有原始、不规则且发达的辅脉。这些特征可与亚目内其他科尤其是与最相近的沼石蛾科(LimnophilidaeRambur,184 2r,190 3)等区别 ,故建立新科。
A new trichopterous family Ningxiapsychidae fam.nov. is described in this paper. The fossils were collected from the grayish yellow shale of late Early Cretaceous Naijiahe Formation (K 5-6 1) of Liupanshan Group, Liupanshan within Ningxia Province, China. According to the insect fossil feature which, collected from Naijiahe Formation, it can be correlated with Xiazhuang Entomofauna of Jingxi Basin, Beijing and belongs to extension towards the west of Xiazhuang Entomofauna ( belonging to Xiazhuang Biota). Its geological age is referred to the late Early Cretaceous and corresponds to European Aptian-Albian Stage. New family with one new genus and new species are preserved in the Beijing Museum of Natural History and discribed below.Insecta Linne, 1785 Trichoptera Kirby, 1815 Integripalpia Martynov,1924 Ningsiapschidae fam.nov. Etymology. From Ningxia Province -local name, i. e. fossil locality-Liupanshan is in Ningxia Province. and Psyche-old generic name Generic type: Ningxiapsyche gen. nov.; Naijiahe Formation (K 5-6 1); The late Early Cretaceous-Aptian-Albian Stages. Characters. CuP connected with CuA 2 and formed a merged vein CuA 2+CuP, they not separeted and then reached the wing terminate margin; Rc ( Dc ) and Mc closed, but Tc open; Rs and M forked respectly into 4 complete braches; 5 complete and straight apical forks:F 1-F 5; wingface with well-developed archaic irregular supplemental veins. Distribution. Ningxia Province, China; late Early Cretaceous (K 5-6 1) (Aptian-Albian Stages). According to the venational features of new family be distinguished from all families within suborder integripalpia, including similar families:Limnophilidae Rambur, 1842, Lepidostomatidae Ulmer, 1902 and other families in CuP connecting with CuA 2 and they not separating, then reaching the wing margin, Rc (Dc), Mc closely, Tc opening, Rs and M with respectly 4 branches, with 5 complete apical forks, wing face with rare reticulate veins and developed archaic irregular supplemental veins.Ningxiapsyche gen. nov. Etymology. See in the familial name. Type species: Ningxiapsyche fangi gen. et sp. nov. Diagnosis. Forewing, 5 apical forks: F 1-F 5 straight, their width is almost as same each other except for their basal narrow; F 4 rather broader than other apical forks; Rc longer than Mc; Tc longest; costal area about 2.5 times as wide as that of subcostal area; forking points of Rs 1 and Rs 2, Rs 3 and Rs 4, M 1 and M 2, M 3 and M 4 arranged in an oblique line, and branching points of M 1+2 and M 3+4 , CuA 1 and CuA 2 arranged too in an oblique line; they formed in two oblique parallel lines to each other; Pt large and triangle; CuA forked deeply; wingface clothed with three black belts, distributed in: (1) between the A 1, A 1+A 2 and the wing posterior margin; (2) near the subital area; (3) near the radial area; wingface decorated with brown stripe and transverse bands, and with developed archaic irregular supplemental veins. Distribution. Liupanshan is in Ningxia Province, China; Naijiahe Formation (K 5-6 1); late Early Cretaceous (Aptian-Albian Stages). Ningxiapsyche fangi gen. nov. Etymology. The name of the species is dedicated to geologist, Engineer Fang Zheng-Rong for the collection of fossil insect specimens. Material. Only one forewing, its basal part preserved incompletly, but forewing venation is distinctly, including supplement veins at the wingface. Holotype. Col.: QJ-VHB-5; Regist. Lp99-1/10. Description. Forewing, costal margin straight and upwards obliquely, then ending rounded the wing margin, the widest of the wing at Sc ending; posterior part of the wing expanded, terminal margin inclined; Sc long and reached the anterior margin of the wing and unbranched; R stretched obliquely upwards and then parallel to Sc, but it not forked into two branches at terminal portion; Rs arising very early from R near the wing base and forked into two branched: anterioe (Rs 1+2 ) and posterior (Rs 3+4 ) branches at basal about 1/3 of wing
Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica
Insecta, Trichoptera, new family, Naijiahe Formation, the late Early Creataceous, Ningxia, Liupanshan Group.