同位素参考物质是同位素地质测量的“砝码”。其同位素组成是同位素测量的基本参数。国际同位素参考物质的建立与定值已有五十多年的历史 ,其中经历了许多成功与曲折。在 2 0世纪 80年代后 ,国际同位素参考物质的建立与定值进入了健康发展的新时期。在国际原子能机构等国际组织的组织和指导下 ,许多研究人员积极参与 ,逐步建立了一批应用广泛的同位素参考物质。采用实验室对比测量和同位素绝对比值测量等方法对这些物质的同位素组成进行了准确定值。这些成果对统一同位素测量的基准和尺度 ,保证同位素测试数据在国际范围内的可比性起到了巨大的推动作用。同时 ,对元素原子量标定 ,乃至阿伏伽德罗常数等基本常数的标定也起了重要作用。
Isotopic reference materials serve as the “weight” for isotopic measurement,and isotopic compositions of reference materials are basic parameters for isotopic measurement.The preparation and calibration of international isotopic reference materials have already experienced a history of more than 50 years and gone through a tortuous road. Since 1980′s,the preparation and calibration of international isotopic reference materials have entered into a new period of smooth development. Under the guidance and organization of IAEA and associate organization,quite a number of scientists have taken active part in this task,and a series of isotopic reference materials have been established and widely used. Calibration of these isotopic reference materials has been carried out through inter-comparison. Besides,absolute isotope ratios of a number of isotopic reference materials are determined. These achievements can be regarded as great contributions to the unification of datum mark and scale of isotopic measurements. In the meanwhile,re-determination has been made on “Avogadro constant” as well as on atomic weights of a number of elements.
Acta Geoscientica Sinica