
水性聚合物网络凝胶法制备纳米镁铝尖晶石粉末 被引量:3

Preparation of Nanoscale MgAl_2O_4 Powders by Aqueous Polymer Network Gel Method
摘要 用水性聚合物网络凝胶法制备了纳米镁铝尖晶石陶瓷粉体,研究了镁铝尖晶石陶瓷粉体的制备工艺过程。研究结果表明:通过网络的阻碍作用,阻止了陶瓷粉体的团聚,获得了颗粒大小在50nm左右的镁铝尖晶石陶瓷粉体,其煅烧温度比通常低100℃。 Nanoscale MgAl2O4 ceramic powders were prepared by the aqueous polymer gel method. The preparing process was studied. The results show that polymer network inhibits the aggregate of MgAl2O4, and nanoscale MgAl2O4 powders with 50 nm size are obtained. Its calcinations temperature is 900°C, which is 100°C lower than the general calcinations temperature.
出处 《材料工程》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第5期40-41,48,共3页 Journal of Materials Engineering
关键词 聚合物网络凝胶法 镁铝尖晶石 纳米 粉体 polymer network gel method spinel nano powder
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