
从农民生活模式变化谈农村城市化进程中农民再社会化问题 被引量:3

Peasantry Re-Socialization from the Angle of Changes of Peasants Life Style in Nowaday Urbanization
摘要 本文从农民住房等基本生活设施、卫生习惯、生活习俗(主要是婚嫁方式)、生存方式等生活模式的变化角度出发,认为在现阶段的农村城市化中,农民仅仅是身份上的变化,思想、心理、行为方式等各个方面仍然带有强烈的农村色彩。要使农民真正成为城市居民,必须对城市化的主体———农民进行思想教育、技能培训等各方面综合的再社会化工程,合理健康地推进农村城市化。 The urbanization includes two parts. One is the production mode, the other is the life style. Along with the urbanization of production mode is advanced in countries especially in east, the boorish life style has changed to a degree. But both compared, the latter lagged evidently. From the angle of changed boorish life styles, such as basic life establishment, sanitation habit, life rite, survival style, this paper considers in nowadays urbanization, a peasant is essentially a peasant not a resident. To realize genuine urbanization, governments should put the re-socialization of peasants into practice, such as thought education, skill training.
出处 《哈尔滨商业大学学报(社会科学版)》 2004年第3期21-23,共3页 Journal of Harbin University of Commerce:Social Science Edition
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