In the late half of the 19th century, with self-sufficient agricultural economy turning to commodity economy, the farmers of the United States shifted from hard money advocators to inflationist, and from advocacy of laissez-faire to that of government interference, so as to increase the price of agricultural products and to relieve the heavy burden of debt. United with the silver producers who eager to seek market for their products, the farmers launched the free silver movement to oppose gold standard, and forced the Congress to enact in succession the Bland-Allison Act and the Sherman Act, and the chaotic monetary system was on the verge of disruption. In order to ensure steady money value and to safeguard the entrepreneurs' investment confidence, the government of Cleveland repealed the Sherman Act, and so furthermore pushed the farmers' Populist movement up to a climax, and brought about the rise of the Bryan's Democrats. The defeat of the silverities in the Presidential election of 1896 marked the fall of the free silver movement. But, the spirit of the Populist and the silverites remained, which advocated the interference of the federal government with economy, government-issued currency, inflation, and relief of burden of debt.
Journal of Hunan University of Science and Technology(Social Science Edition)