读者对图书馆的忠诚在很大程度上证明了图书馆存在的价值 ,在网络信息环境下 ,尤其在互联网时代 ,图书馆已不再是信息的惟一拥有者 ,读者可以通过互联网获得各种信息 ,在这种情况下 ,如何留住读者 ,提高读者的忠诚度 ,是图书馆需要思考的一个课题。本文指出了倡导新的读者服务模式是图书馆在新的环境下的发展方向之一。
The library's value depends on its user's loyalty.In the age of Internet,because library is not the only owner of the information and the user can through various ways,such as Internet,to attain the information they want.Under such circumstances,how to maintain the users and improve their loyalty to the library is an issue should be studied deeply.
Journal of Modern Information