中国古代的科学技术长期处于世界前列 ,有过令世人叹服的辉煌历史 ,一大批卓越的科学家和杰出的能工巧匠 ,在世界科技史上树立起了一座座丰碑 ,充分显示出中华民族无穷的智慧和力量。可是 ,自明清以来 ,中国科学技术明显落后于西方发达国家 ,文章从多个角度、多种因素具体透析了造成辉煌与衰败的具体原因。
In the ancient time,our china had been leader in scientific technology and had a admiring and splendid history.A large numbers of famous and outstanding architects set aseries of examples which showed the endless wisdom and strength of our Chinese people completely.However,in Ming and Qing dynasty,We had fallen much more behine obviously than the western developed countries in scientific techndogy.This artiche mainly accounts for the past great achievements and failures in scientific technology from many aspects and corners.
Journal of Modern Information