本研究以MMPI为工具 ,测查福建公安高等专科学校男生的心理健康素质状况 ,结果显示 ,该校男生心理健康素质状况喜忧参半 ,并有自己的特点。尤其值得重视的是 ,有心理病态嫌疑或心理不适倾向的个案占 63 .6 % ,其中“亚健康”者占 44 .5% ;疑似病态的偏常类型以躁狂倾向、病态人格、躁郁倾向为主 ,合计占病态个案的 81 .0 %。因此 ,公安院校招生和公安机关招警应考虑引进心理测试筛查心理健康偏常者 ;公安院校应加强在校学生的心理健康辅导和心理素质训练 ,建立心理健康保障体制。
A test on situation of male students’ psychological health quality has been carried out with the means of MMPI. The result has its own characteristics however, it needs to be worried and concerned about. We should pay most attention to the fact that of the all, the cases of students with psychological illness suspect or tendency occupy 63.6%, among which the cases of“Sub-health” are 44.5%. Among all the suspected cases with problems, the major type, having the trend of being furious, depressed and having sick personality, totally occupies 81%. Therefore, when the public security colleges and organs recruit their new students and staff members, they should use psychological tests in order to adopt psychologically healthy persons. As for the public security colleges, they should strengthen their work on tutoring the students’ psychological health and training their psychological qualities.