本文在国内首次应用RIA法测定了43例患神经系统疾病的患儿和23例正常小儿CSF中SS水平。结果表明,正常小儿CSF SS含量为141.63±8.77Pg/ml;癫痫和炎性疾病组SS含量无明显改变。而在脑实质损害组,SS含量明显升高。GSF中SS含量与蛋白含量呈明显正相关。
The level of somatostatin (SS) in CSF were measured in 43 patients with central nerv(?) system disease and 23 normal children by means of RIA. The studies showed that the level of SS was 141.63±8.77pg/ml in normal group; much higher in brain injury group, and no signific- ant change in the patient with epilepsy and infectious disease. It is obvious positive corralation between the level of SS in CSF and protein.
Academic Journal of Pla Postgraduate Medical School