元代著名曲学家、曲作家周德清的曲学名著《中原音韵》中的曲论部分《作词十法》 ,首次对北曲文辞创作的要领、规律、禁忌、法则等进行研究 ,其观点多发前人所未发 ,被时人及后人悬为定例。然而他本人的曲作却不能完全达到他自己提出的作曲要求和标准。这表现了他的曲论的某些局限性 ,以及他分别作为曲论家和曲作家时客观和主观的差异 ,也体现了当时文坛的风尚。
The famous Qu scholar and writer of the Yuan Dynasty Zhou Deqing first researched on the subjects about the main points?rules?taboo?principles of the dictions of inditing North Qu in the treatise 'ten methods of inditing Qu' in his well-known work Phonology of Zhongyuan.Most of them were creative ideas and were deified by later generations.But his own opuses couldn't fully achieve his theories, all of these differences were embodiments of the localizations of his theories and his concepts between the impersonality as a scholar and personality as a writer,and of the fashion of the literary world then.
Journal of Guangxi Teachers Education University:Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition