在金融业分业混业的问题上 ,国际金融业大体上可分为两种类型 :一是混业全能型 ,二是分业型。从世界金融制度发展史看 ,绝大部分国家金融业最初的金融自然发展状态都是一种混业状态 ,此后走上了一条“混业经营———分业经营———混业经营”的发展道路。目前 ,混业经营已经成为金融业发展的潮流 ,中国金融业应借鉴国外经验 ,建立金融控股公司来实现我国向混业经营的平稳过度。
Operational patterns of financial industry worldwide could be either all-function-oriented mixed operation or divided operation. The institutional history of the word financial industry shows that the patterns of early ages in most countries are the type of divided one, and then have been developed along a road of mixed-divided-mixed again. Though currently the mainstream of operational pattern is mixed operation, China is still on the way transferring from a divided to a mixed one, and thus it needs to use the experience from other countries, especially that from U.S. for reference for a smooth move.
The Theory and Practice of Finance and Economics