
投资理论研究文献综述 被引量:5

A Review of the Development of Investment Theories and Models
摘要 经济学界对于投资的研究由来已久 ,但直到 2 0世纪后期才有完整体系的投资理论 ,投资理论经历了从收入决定理论和加速器原理、经济增长理论、国际投资理论和金融投资理论等的演进。从发展趋势看 ,对外直接投资仍是学术研究的重点 ,而金融投资理论及其定量方法的突破性进展 ,已经确立了研究领域的主流地位 ,并且带来了相关理论研究与实证研究的热潮。 Researches about investment have been explored for a long time and none systematical theories has been established until 20th century. This article reviews different problems of investment and related methodologies from the theory of aggregation analysis and the acceleration principle, theory of economic growth, theory of international investment and theory of indirect investment. It is like that, in the near future, researches will still focus on foreign direct investment (FDI), and an upsurge of more theoretical and empirical studies will be followed the breakthrough of the development of financial investment theory and the related quantitative analysis methods.
作者 林梅
出处 《财经理论与实践》 CSSCI 北大核心 2004年第3期58-61,共4页 The Theory and Practice of Finance and Economics
基金 国家自然科学基金项目 (7993 0 10 0 ) 广东省科技厅软科学项目 (2 0 0 3C70 15 5 )
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