在新古典最优增长模型的理论框架内 ,通过建立高等教育规模最优规模模型 ,并且利用中国的经验数据对中国高等教育规模的合理性进行了实证分析。结论是 :扩招前与扩招后中国高等教育规模均不处于最优状态 ,高等教育规模的进一步扩张要求扩大经费投入和深化就业制度改革。
Based on the theory of neoclassical optimum growth model, a higher education's optimum scale model is established and empirically applied with the data from higher education industry of China to investigate the rationality of investment scale in human capital of the industry. The analysis shows that the scale does not fit the growth rate of the industry whether before or after the recruitment expansion, and as a result, that more investment should be deployed and the employment institution should be reformed as further expansion of recruitment is undertaken.
The Theory and Practice of Finance and Economics
国家自然科学基金 (70 3 73 0 41
70 2 72 0 3 0 )
全国"十五"教育规划重点项目 (DFA0 3 0 12 3 )
湖南省"十五"教育规划项目(XJK0 3BG0 10 )