Am-Be中子源,0.0125Gy快中子照射北京灰兔双眼及全身,照射时间为150分钟。实验分三组:A组为超氧化物歧化酶(su-peroxide dismutase,SOD)治疗;B组为复方樟柳碱(anisodine compound,AC)治疗;C组为非治疗作对照。结果:A、B治疗组随治疗时间的增加,氧自由基(O_2^-)含量渐降低,C组随时间推移,O_2^-含量渐增加。提示A、B组疗效显著,而A、B组之间差异不显,但A、B组与C组之间差异极显著P<0.01。此外,照射后中性粒细胞增多,A、B组P<0.05,C组P<0.01,照后15天,B组已恢复正常,A组近正常,C组仍高于正常。SOD是氧自由基清除剂,本实验证实AC治疗效果和SOD差异不显,亦有清除氧自由基作用,并减轻快中子辅射性视网腹损伤的炎性反应。
The eyes of rabbit received 0.0125 GY single exposure dose of fast neutron from Amc-Be neutron source. 36 animals were randomly divided into three groups, SOD-trcated group, compound anisodine-treated group and control group. The amounts of O_2^-gradually decreased with time in the both treated groups in comparison with the control group in which it increased. There were no differences between the two treated grouys, however, there were highly significant differences between the treated groups and the control group (P<0.01). 15 days after radiation it was suggested that it was very effective to clear the peroxy free radical in the retina by either SOD or compound anisodine. In addition, the percentage of Polymophoneuciears (PMN) increased in all the three groups 3 days after radiation (P<0.05, P<0.01), but they were almost restored to the levels as before radiation in the two treated group, although it was still higher in the control group 15 days after irradiation. SOD is a scavenger of O_2^-, it was confirmed that the curative effects of compound anisodine on the radiated retinopathy were as same as those of SOD. as Therefore, compound anisodine might be used as a scavenger of O_2^-.
Academic Journal of Pla Postgraduate Medical School