本文研究了具有相同成分但由不同工艺制备的Nd Fe B磁体的内禀矫顽力Hcj 对磁体温度稳定性的影响。研究表明 :同成分的磁体由于不同的工艺制备导致了磁体的显微结构的不同。而磁体的显微结构的不同又导致了磁体具有不同的磁性能。在同成分的磁体中 ,矫顽力高的磁体具有较低的矫顽力温度系数和不可逆磁通损失。同时研究还表明磁体的可逆磁通损失与磁体矫顽力Hcj关系不大 ,主要由成分决定。
The effects of the intrinsic coercivity on the thermal stability of Nd-Fe-B magnets have been studied.The magnets with the same element compositions but different making processes have different microstrutcture,which leads to different magnetic properties.The higher the intrinsic coercivity H cj ,the lower the coefficient of the intrinsic coercivity and the lower the irreversible loss of flux.It is also found that reversible of flux is independent of the H cj but dependent on the compositions.
Metallic Functional Materials