20世纪世界社会主义运动建立了伟大的历史功绩。21世纪世界社会主义具有不同于传统社会主义的发展脉络和基本走向。社会主义必然代替资本主义是人类社会发展不可抗拒的客观规律 ,但又是一个漫长曲折的历史过程。21世纪世界社会主义将由低谷逐步走向复兴。
The worldwide socialism movement in the 20th century has made great historical contributions. In the 21st century,the development and basic tendency of worldwide socialism are different from traditional socialism. While it is an inevitable objective rule in the evolution of human society that socialism will definitely replace capitalism,it needs a long and difficult process. The worldwide socialism will be revived in the 21st century.
Journal of The Central Institute of Socialism