党的十六大将建立学习型社会纳入了全面建设小康社会目标的范畴 ,具有重要和深远的意义。为适应新形势和新任务的要求 ,我们必须从时代和历史的高度 ,充分认识加强社会主义学院自身建设的重要性 ,努力建设一个学习型、研究型、服务型的社会主义学院。
In the 16th Congress of the Communist Party,establishing a learning society has been integrated into the objectives of constructing an overall well-off society. This is of profound significance. In order to meet the requirements of the new situation and new tasks,we must fully understand the importance of reinforcing the construction of institutes of socialism,and endeavor to build up learning,researching and serving type of institutes of socialism.
Journal of The Central Institute of Socialism