在传统的前工业社会 ,德国妇女处于男性的支配之下 ,经济和政治地位相当低下。随着德意志帝国时期向工业社会的转型 ,妇女的传统社会角色发生变化 ,男性的绝对统治受到动摇。首先 ,由于社会劳动分工的细化 ,妇女开始进入社会生产领域并形成较大的职业群体 ,成为社会生产中的重要力量。其次 ,随着经济性的增强 ,宗教信仰和利益各异 ,德意志帝国时期的妇女运动形成了资产阶级的、社会主义的和天主教的妇女运动等不同派别。这些运动促进了妇女地位的改善 ,使德国的社会生活内容和面貌发生了变化。
In the traditional pre-industrial society,women in Ger many were under the control of men. Their economic and political positions were relatively low. With its transformation into an industrial society,the traditio nally social role of German females changed,and the absolute dominance of males was s hocked. First,affected by the division of labor in society,women began to ente r the field of social production and formed greater professional groups. They be came an important force in social production. Second,with the increasing indepe ndence on economic life,women heightened their self-awareness day by day and st arted to struggle for their social and political rights. Because of the d ifferent social strata,religious beliefs and interests,women' s movement in the period of German Empire included different capitalistic,socia listic and catholic groups. All these promoted the improvement in women status, and changed the contents and face of German social life.
World History