旧金山会议前后 ,美英围绕究竟“哪一个中国”将参与对日媾和的问题 ,立场一度严重对立 :美国支持台湾国民党政权而英国支持新中国。双方为此持续争议 ,直到美国以非常手段迫英国就范。文章认为 ,围绕中国签约权问题的分歧实际上反映了美英两国在远东存在的重大利害冲突、不同的现实处境以及两国外交的不同理念 ,也揭示出即使在冷战高峰时期 ,国家利益和历史传统在一国外交中仍发挥着不可忽视的作用。
Before and after September 1951 when the Japanese peace conference held in Sa n Francisco,the United States and the United Kingdom took an opposite attitudes towards the representatives of China in sign ing the peace treaty with Japan. The United States insis ted on the Kuomintang remnant clique while the United Kingdom on the P. R. China . The opposition continued until the Americans forced the British to accept thei r arrangements in an unusual way. This article holds that the continuing discrep ancy between the U.S. and the U.K. actually reflected the major incompatibility of their special interests in the Far East,their different situation at that ti me,and their diverse diplomatic perceptions .The article also illustrates that n ational interests and historical traditions greatly affected the policy-making e ven during the climax of the Cold War.
World History