计算机系统仿真技术是 2 0世纪 5 0年代以来兴起的一门新型信息工程技术。它不仅将加速科学技术、工程设计的发展速度 ,而且促进作为认识主体的人的认识能力的发展 ,提供一种新型的认识工具。本文分三部分讨论了我对计算机系统仿真技术的哲学思考 :对哲学视域中的计算机系统仿真技术的文化学追问、计算机系统仿真技术对认识论的深入发展。
Computer system simulation has been a new information technology since 1950s. It will provide a new kind of cognitional tool not only for accelerating developing speed of science technology, engineering design, but also for improving the development of cognition ability as cognitional main body. From three aspects the article discusses my philosophical thinking of computer system simulation technology as follows: culture subject′s question closely in philosophy field, epistemology′s further development, influence on thinking ways′ transformation.
Journal of Hubei Normal University(Natural Science)