对刚果 1 2号桉营林措施设计了 4因素 2水平正交试验 ,结果表明 :不同的整地方式、种苗来源、施肥量对刚果 1 2号桉的树高、胸径、蓄积量和冠幅均有极显著影响。机耕全垦整地、栽植良种无性系和增加施肥量能明显提高刚果 1 2号桉的生长量和冠幅生长。最优处理平均树高、胸径、蓄积量和冠幅达 1 4 .4 7m ,1 1 .96cm ,1 1 5 .31 8m3/hm2 和 2 .5 2m ,是最差处理的 1 4 2 .70 % ,1 2 8.4 6 % ,2 36 .30 %和 1 4 8.2 4 %。整地和种苗来源对树木的历年生长起着持续而稳定的影响 ;施用高肥量可有效促进林木的后期生长 ;刚果 1 2号桉的历年生长量在相同的密度下采用不同的株行距配置没有明显的差异。在保证使用良种的前提下 ,整地和施肥是培育刚果 1 2号桉人工林的首要考虑因素。不同处理的经济效益有较大差异 ,最好的处理其净收入、净现值、内部收益率与产出投入比分别为 75 35 .5 5元 /hm2 ,5 31 1 .0 0元 /hm2 ,2 7.2 0 %和 1 .5 7,比最差处理高出 30 .0 0倍 ,30 .2 2倍 ,2 0 .1 8个百分点和 5 2 .4 3%。
In this paper, the Cultural Techniques of E.12ABL were studied by using L 16 (2 15 ) orthogonal design. The analytic results showed that there were highly significant differences in H, DBH,V and Crown between overall cultivation and manually hole, seedlings and clones, higher fertilization and lower fertilization, respectively. Obviously, overall cultivation, planting superior clones and higher fertilization could increase significantly the height growth and crown growth of E.12ABL . At the age of 5.0 years old, H, DBH, V and Crown of the fastest growing treatment (No.6) reach 14.47 m,11.96 cm,115.318 m 3/hm 2 and 2.52 m, with 42.70%,28.46%,136.30%, 48.24% higher than the worst treatment, respectively. Site preparation and source of seedling had constant affect growth in different years and had little difference between 4.0 m×1.5 m and 2.0 m×3.0 m which both planted in the same density, Higher fertilization could promote the growth in the late period effectively. Superior varieties, site preparation and fertilizer are proved to be the primary factors for E.12ABL plantation. There are also significant differences in economic of 16 treatments, the net income, NPV, IRR and B/C of the best treatment reached 7 535.55 yuan/hm 2,5 311.00 yuan/hm 2,27.20% respectively. In this way, the net income, NPV are 31.00, 31.22 times as high as the worst treatment, and IRR , B/C are 21.18%, 52.43% higher than the worst treatment.
Forestry Science and Technology of Guangdong Province
ITTOPD 14 /92Rev .2 (F)No :1"中国海南岛热带人工林示范区营造"
Eucalyptus 12ABL, pattern of site preparation, source of seedling, configuration of different tree spacing, fertilization