水力开采由于其特殊的落煤方式确定了它的采空区内自然发火机率要比其它开采方式小一些 ,但如果管理不善 ,照样会出现自然发火的 ,因此预防水采采空区自然发火是十分必要的。本文介绍了水采采空区自然发火的产生原因、预防措施及处理方法。
The probability of spontaneous combustion in the worked out area of a hydromine is comparatively lower because of the particular coal winning method used.However,spontaneous combustion is likey to occur due to mismanagement.It is,therefore,imperative to take precautions to guard against the occurrence of spontaneous combustion.An introduction is made to the cause of the occurrence of such a phenomena and the precentive and control measures.
Hydraulic Coal Mining & Pipeline Transportation