In light of the portraits of Qing dynasty emperors and empresses in court dress and the items of royalclothing in the Palace Museum collection and with reference to documentary research, the author maintainsthat: (1) the four half-figure portraits of the Kangxi Emperor are separately based on two full portraits of theemperor in court regalia; (2) Qing dynasty portraits of emperors and empresses in court dress can be dividedinto portraits drawn from life (xieshengxiang) and portraits for sacrificial-ritual purposes, the latter featuringformulaic backgrounds; (3) of Qing dynasty portraits of emperors and empresses in court dress, the apparelworn by emperors from the Kangxi Emperor onwards and that worn by empresses from the time of the QianlongEmperor onwards are drawn from life and are in conformity with ritual prescriptions, while also includingfashion elements, but prior to these two reigns, the dress worn by emperors and empresses, respectively, revealselements of imaginative play; (4) the form of apparel described in the Da Qing huidian of the Kangxi reigndates from the early years of his reign, while the Yongzheng reign edition of Da Qing huidian records theapparel worn by the Kangxi Emperor in his later years and by the Yongzheng Emperor during his reign. Theregulations governing court dress issued by the Yongzheng Emperor in the first year of his reign were in factthose already adopted in the late years of the Kangxi Emperor's reign.
Palace Museum Journal
court dress
portraits in court apparel
Kangxi Emperor
regulations governing court apparel.