Two thousands and eight Bo'er goat embryos were transplanted to 1146 recipients by single or double embryo transplant. The pregnancy rate was 63.1%(723/1146), and the rate of embryo developing to kids was 52.8%(1061/2008). The studies revealed that the transfer embryo efficiency were not significant difference while single embryo was transplanted per recipient(P>0.05), when the time differences of estrus synchronization between donor and recipient were +1~+0.5d?0d or -0.5~-1d, the efficiency were significant different with double embryos which were transplanted per recipient, the efficiency was best when the time difference was 0d. Among the recipients with two embryos were transplanted, the rate of embryo developing to kids was higher significant when the difference time was -0.5~-1d or 0d than the difference time was +1~+0.5d in the Milk goat recipients(P<0.05), there were significant difference among the different time of -0.5~-1d, 0d, or +1~+0.5d in the Ma goat recipients(P<0.05), and there were not significant difference among three different time in Big-ear goat and Nanjiang Yellow goat recipients(P>0.05).
Sichuan Animal & Veterinary Sciences