
基于P2P的分布对象定位机制的研究 被引量:5

Study on mechanism of distributed objects location based on peer-to-peer network
摘要 首先提出了一个基于P2P ( peertopeer)架构的分布对象定位模型 ,该模型继承了P2P网络本身强大的可扩展性及容错特性 ,它将分布对象定位信息完全散布在整个系统中 ,克服了传统对象定位机制的目录服务器节点瓶颈缺点 .其次提出了基于P2P的对象定位信息的发布、查询以及维护算法 ,并对算法的合理性作出了详细的分析 ;为了缓解由于系统定位信息本身的不均衡性所导致的瓶颈节点的负载 ,引入了扩散算法 ;replica算法则使得系统有足够的容错能力 .然后设计了该模型在CORBA中实现对象定位的应用框架 .最后对该定位机制进行了评述 . A model of distributed objects location based on peer-to-peer(P2P) network is presented, which inherits the magnificent features, scalability and fault tolerance of P2P network. The model spreads the information of distributed objects location in the whole system and discards the bottle-neck flaw of traditional object location mechanism. The object location algorithm based on P2P is illustrated. Since the unbalanced distributed objects location information leads to the heavy load on some nodes, a pervasion algorithm is proposed in order to solve this problem. Besides, a replica algorithm which enhances the fault-tolerant ability of the system is presented. The application framework of the model is designed to implement object location in CORBA. The location mechanism of this model is described.
出处 《东南大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第3期327-331,共5页 Journal of Southeast University:Natural Science Edition
基金 江苏省高技术研究计划资助项目 (BG2 0 0 10 3 2 )
关键词 P2P 分布对象计算 命名服务 CORBA Mathematical models
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