小麦高分子量麦谷蛋白亚基(HMW GS)对小麦面粉品质有不同的影响,因此,了解双亲HMW GS在F2籽粒中的分离规律和分布特征,对确定品质育种的选择方案以及对杂种小麦原粮品质的评估等有实践指导意义。本研究用10%SDS PAGE方案测定了小偃6号/Pan555的208粒F2籽粒的显带情况:①共出现8种HMW GS带型组合,其中杂合型与缺失型组合约占41 9%;②Glu D1d(5+10)与Glu D1N(空)的分离比为3∶1;Glu B1h(14+15)与Glu B1c(7+9)的分离比为9∶7;③Glu B1c(7+9)的不完全表达率为2 0%;Glu D1d(5+10)的不完全表达率亦为2 0%;④仅出现单一带型Glu B1h(14+15)的约占18 7%。
The HMW-GS in wheat seeds has its varied influence on the quality of wheat flour. It is practically important to understand the hereditary feature of the HMW-GS in wheat seed for choosing the right cross in quality breeding of wheat, and estimating the wheat quality. 208 F_(2 )seeds of the cross Xiao Yan 6/Pan 555 were tested by 10% SDS-PAGE for their HMW-GS band phenotypes. The results showed that:① 8 different band patterns occurred;② The ratio of Glu-D1d(5+10) to Glu-D1N(Null)was about 3∶1;The ratio of Glu-B1h(14+15) to Glu-B1c(7+9) was about 9∶7;③ The incomplete expressionrate of Glu-B1c(7+9)was 2.0%;And Glu-D1d(5+10) was 2.0%;④ The expression rate of single band of Glu-B1h(14+15) was 18.7%.
Journal of Shanxi Agricultural University(Natural Science Edition)