研究了超声波水浴提 BCR顺序提取法在铅形态分析中的应用,优化了水系沉积物样品铅的各分步提取时间。与传统的BCR法相比,改进BCR法所用的提取时间由原来的几十小时缩短为几十分钟。氢化物 原子荧光法测定样品中3种形态铅含量的统计结果显示,改进BCR法分析精度好,各形态铅的提取效率高,是一种快速、定量铅形态分析方法。
An ultrasound bath extraction technique was applied in the modified BCR sequential extraction method for lead speciation in sediments. The extraction time of the modified BCR was optimized and the time consumed for all three stages was dramatically shortened compared with the conventional BCR. Contents of extractable metals obtained by both the conventional and the modified methods were measured by hydride-generation Atomic Fluorescence Spectrometry. The results of each fraction obtained by both methods were statistically compared. With a much shorter operating time, the proposed modified BCR sequential extraction method could serve as a valid alternative to the conventional shaking.
Geophysical and Geochemical Exploration