在人地关系认识史上 ,人类最先把自然环境和自然现象看成人类一切活动的主宰 ;随着对人地关系认识的深入 ,人类认识到 ,人是可以战胜自然、利用自然的 ,进而更深刻地认识到人与自然环境、自然现象是相互影响、相互制约的 ,人类要生存和发展 ,就要因地制宜 ,与自然环境和谐相处 ;随着人口的急剧增长 ,人类对自然资源的不合理利用 ,产生了一系列严重的环境问题 ,经过深入研究 ,人们最终找到了既不牺牲未来子孙后代生存需要 。
In the cognition history of the human and geography relations,the human beings considered that the natural environment and natural phenomenen decided all activities of the mankind from beginning.Then they understood that they could conquer and make use of the nature and that natural phenomenen and environment influnenced and retrained each other as their cognition process of the relations between human and geography proceeded.Since the humankind has to live and human society has to move forward,they must take measures suited to local conditions and learn to get on well with the nature.The sharp rise of the population and irrational use of the nature resources have brought serious problems.With deepgoing researches,people have discovered an existence model-the view of sustained development,which can satisfy the need of this generation and does not sacrifice the basic need of existence of future generations.
idea of human and geography
theory of geography environment determimsm
view of sustained development