应用国产人绝经期促性腺激素(HMG)治疗52例长期无排卵者,其中缺乏内源性雌激素活动者28例,有内源性雌激素活动的各种月经紊乱者24例:共100个周期。采用宫颈评分及 B 超监测卵泡发育,98%的周期卵泡成熟。以改变 HMG 剂量的方法促使卵泡生长,结果使卵泡生长到成熟的期限接近自然排卵周期。当优势卵泡>18mm、宫颈评分>8分2天以上时,根据卵巢大小应用不同剂量的人绒毛膜促性腺激素(hCG)或促黄体生成素释放激素(LHRH)诱发排卵。结果 hCG 的排卵率为98.8%,各剂量排卵率无差别;LHRH 排卵率为25%(P<0.01)。妊娠26例,其中流产5例,卵巢过度刺激征(OHSS)发生率41%(41/100),其中重度Ⅰ级6.0%,Ⅱ级1.0%。本文分析了适应证及用药方法与疗效的关系、发生 OHSS 的高危因素及 OHSS 与妊娠及流产的关系,提出了结合国内监测条件,提高疗效,避免 OHSS 的合理用药方法。
Domestic products of human menopausal go-
nadotropin(HMG) and human chorionic gonadotropin
(hCG) were used in the treatment of 100cycles in 52
infertile patients with long-term anovulation.Among
the 52 cases,28 with amenorrhea and low endogenous
estrogen level,while the other 24 with various men-
strual disorders showed evidence of endogenous estro-
gen activity.The dosages of HNIG were adjusted ac-
cording to the ovarian responses monitored the cervi-
cal score(CS) and ultrasound estimation of the size
of the follicle with reference to that of the maturai cy-
cles.When the follicle reached≥18mm and the CS
>8 for more than 2 days and with reference to the
size of the ovary,different doses of hCG or LHRH
were used for induction of ovulation.Results showed
that the rate of follicle maturity was 98% among the
100 HMG-stimulated cycles.The rate of ovulation in-
duction with hCG was 98.8% and with LHRH was
25%(P<0.01).26 patients conceived,5 aborted
(19.2%).The rate of ovarian hyperstimulation syn-
drome(OHSS) was 41%,grade I severe 6.0% and
grade Ⅱ 1.0%.The relationships between indication,
therapeutic regimen and results were discussed.High
risk factors that will predispose to OHSS and the in-
fluence of OHSS on pregnancy were analysed.In or-
der to improve the therapeutic effect and prevent
OHSS,some methods of HMG/hCG use were recom- mended.
Journal of Reproductive Medicine