本文记述了我国皿蛛科微蛛亚科新纪录属:额毛蛛属Caviphantes Oi,1960:一新种:膜质额毛蛛cariphantes glumaceus sp.nov.,二新纪录种:类石额毛蛛cariphantes pseudosaxetorum Wunderlich,1979和三齿额毛蛛Caviphantes samensis Oi,1960。本新种雄蛛触肢胫节一突起膜质、透明,故定名为膜质额毛蛛。
The present paper deals with 1 new generic record, 1 new species and 2 new record species. Cariphantes glumaceus sp. nov. (figs. 1—5) Holotype ♀, allotype ♂, paratypes 3♀♀ 5♂♂, Altay City (47.8°N, 88.1°E, alt. 1080 M), Xinjaing Uygur Autononous Region. July 12, 1991. All specimens are deposited in the Department of Biology, Norman Bethune University of Medical Sciences. Female Total length 1.67mm. Carapace 0.64 mm long, 0.51mm wide;abdomen 0.97mm long, 0.68mm wide. Anterier eye row (AER) recurved slightly and pesterior eye row (PER) procurved. Chelicerae with 6 promarginal teeth and 3 retromarginal teeth. Leg formula 4123. Tm 1 ca. 0. 39. Abdomen grey—yellow with 4 light impressed dots dorsally. Male Total length 1.50mm. Carapace 0.69mm long, 0.55mm wide;abdomen 0.81mm long, 0.49mm wide. Carapace yellow—brown or pale—yellow, with 4~6 short bristles directed forward at the center of the clypeus. Chelicerae with a pointed boss anteriotly. Tm Ⅰ ca. 0.38. Palpal tibia with 2 apophyses, one of them is membranous and transparent. This new species resembles Cariphantes saretorum (Hull, 1916), but differs from the latter in the shape of tibial apophyses of male palp, embolus as well as the dorsal and ventral structures of the epigynum. Cariphantes pseudosaxetorum Wunderlich, 1979 (figs. 6~7)and Cariphantes samensis Oi, 1960 (figs. 8~10)are described for the first time in China.
Acta Arachnologica Sinica
Araneae Linyphiidae Erigoninae Caviphantes Cavipliantes glumaceus Caviphantes pseulosaretotum Caviphantes asmensis new species