1995年,作为挪威电力交易的场所,北欧电力库(NP:Nord Pool)成立,至1996年,其交易范围扩展到挪威和瑞典。1998年10月,芬兰开始加入;1999年7月,丹麦西部加入;2000年,丹麦东部加入。每个国家都有自己的控制机构,不存在通用的跨国关税。它由1个市场运营者和5个输电系统运营者构成。2001年大约价值4120亿挪威克郎(约550亿欧元)的电力合同在NP清算,总合同交易量为2769 TW·h,是实际用电量的7倍之多。NP是世界上最透明的、有公共框架的开放电力市场,其中有3个国家的零售市场完全开放。自从电力工业放开管制以来,所有国家都进行了结构重组,包括合并与清算购买。目前批发市场所有权正趋于集中,同时发电侧也在集中,这引起了人们的关注。
Nord Pool was established in 1993 as a Norwegian electricity exchange, and extended its trade to Norway and Sweden in 1996. Later, Finland, West Denmark and East Denmark joined in succession. It thus became the world's first multinational exchange for trade in electric power contracts, and presently it is the only truly international electricity market. There is one market operator, and there are five system operators. Each country has its own regulatory agency. There are no general cross border tariffs. In 2001, power contracts worth nearly NOK 412 billion, about 55 billion Euro, were cleared by Nord Pool, and the combined volume of contracts was 2 769 TW·h, that is more than seven times the physical consumption. An open market with a common framework has made the Nordic market the most liquid electricity market in the world. Three of the countries have full retail market access. Since deregulation of the electricity industry started, restructuring has taken place in all countries resulting in mergers and acquisitions. There is an ongoing concentration of ownership in the wholesale market, and the concentration in production side. That causes concern.