在陕西、山东、湖南、广东、云南、四川六省测试点的自然收购季节中,列入精选的国产粮食水分快速测定仪,电容式SW S-5型、L SC-3型、JLS-3型和电阻式LSKC-4A型、TL-4型五种仪器进行了小麦、稻谷、玉米的测试.结果表明:电阻式产品取样量小,代表性差,大粒粮食粉碎困难,温度人工补尝麻烦;电容式产品取样量大,代表性强,粮食不粉碎,分度值小,粮种、水分测定范围广,温度自动补尝.准确度、重现性总得分,数码电容式优于电阻式和电容刻度盘式产品.参考计算机处理的方差值,误差序列图和概率统计图表明:电容式优于电阻式产品. 实验表明:电阻式和电容式产品在使用之前,均应以当地有代表性的粮种,在一定水分范围内校正仪器.在测试中,仪器共有的特点是:其重现性效果,小粒粮(小麦,稻谷)优于大粒粮(玉米).
At the points of Shaaxi,Shandong,Hunan,Guandong,Yunnan and Sichuan Provinces moisture meters were chosen during the seasons of purchase. The moisture meters made in China which were placed on choice, such as type of capacity:SWS-5mode ,LSC-3 mode, JLS-3 mode; type of resistance. LSKC-4 A mode,TL-4 mode were tested using wheat, paddy and corn. The results showed that for the type of resistance, only a small amount of grain can be sampled, representativeness was poor, it was difficult to break large size of grain and inconvenient to compensate temperature artificially; for the type of capacity,larger amount of grain can be sampled, representativeness was good, samples need not to be broken, division value was fine, it can measure moisture content in a large range, temperature can he autocompensated.The type of digit capacity was better than the type of resistance and dial capacity in accuracy and reproducibility. The type of capacity moisture meters were better than the type of resistance in reference to variances,error and probability statistic treated by computer.
The tests showed that the two types of moisture meters should be calibrated with local typical grain seeds withing the certain range of moisture content before measurement. The common characteristic of the meters is that grain in small size (wheat,paddy ) has better reproducibility than that of large one (corn),
Grain Storage